Bright Pups light up dog collars, high visibility clothes

Royal Beach, Dog Leash Free Area
Mornington, Victoria

Port Phillip Bay

Further down south we have Royal Beach, just a short walk from the main centre of Mornington. It's a dedicated off leash beach all year long, tucked away to the side from the other local beaches. From here you can see Melbourne in the distance floating over the water.

Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach

Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach

Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach

The beach isn't overly big, but it has lots of different things for your dogs to explore; rock pools, a little bit of grassland/bushland, cliffsides. The beach is accessed only from one sloped walkway down a hillside, and while there are no fences, the general layout of the beach should deter all but the most adventurous of dogs from wandering into areas they shouldn't.

At low tide the place has a mix of rocks to explore (or slip over on) and a rough sandy beach. I have soft dainty feet so the tough grit of sand and rocks were a touch uncomfortable so I put my thongs back on to walk around with. I didn't notice too many people there on my visit with their dogs. I'd be curious to hear from anyone that goes to this beach occasionally to see what they think of the general amount dogs and people which visit.

Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach

Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach

Further details and comments on Doggo

Further details and comments on PawClub

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Mornington Peninsula Shire - Leash Free Areas

Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach Royal Beach, Mornington - Dog Beach